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Neuromove Applied


Kendo training is a comprehensive process that requires the development of several physical and mental components. Here is a brief explanation of the main training areas:

1. Core:
The core, which includes the abdominals and lower back muscles, is critical for stability and movement control in kendo. A strong core helps you maintain proper posture and generate power during your shots.


Lecture by Andreas Kalcker(Chlorine Dioxide)

“The German Doctor and Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker held a seminar for the first time in Italy, in Conegliano, province of Treviso, on 4 February 2023.

The seminar was held in Spanish, with simultaneous translation into Italian.

The auditorium was filled with health professionals, learning about the biophysical science of chlorine dioxide.”


The Art of Peace (Morihei Ueshiba)

Morihei taught the Art of Peace as a creative discipline of body and mind, as a practical means of dealing with aggression, and as a lifestyle that nurtures courage, wisdom, love, and friendship. He interpreted the Art of War in the broadest possible sense and believed that its principle of reconciliation, harmony, cooperation and empathy could be applied courageously to all the challenges that life presents us in personal relationships, in interaction with society, in work and business, and in the relationship with nature. Every man can be a warrior for peace.


The book emphasizes the importance of emotional management and personal responsibility in health, arguing that the body is a programmable biological machine that responds to internal conflicts. Brossa highlights how art, in its ritual and symbolic form, can be a powerful tool to transform beliefs and heal diseases, acting directly on the subconscious and the right hemisphere of the brain, associated with intuition and creativity.

In addition, he criticizes conventional medicine for ignoring emotional and energy factors, although he acknowledges that some doctors are beginning to open up to these ideas. Brossa also addresses how advertising and cinema use similar techniques to those of ritual art to influence the subconscious mind, suggesting that we can use these same strategies positively to resolve emotional conflicts.


Introduction to Practical Methodology
(Neuromoscular Self-Relaxation)


Conference on play and training.

In this conference the founder of Neuromove Jose De laurentis analyzes sport and gaming from different points of view:
-Motor sciences.
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